Anna (they/them) was always a creative and artistic child. Inspired and encouraged by their grandmother, Marjorie Blau, or Bubbie, and their first art teacher, Mrs. Keterer, Anna’s creative spirit was nurtured through crafting times and painting classes for as long as they can remember. As Anna grew, life and school got in the way of their artistry and they felt a part of themselves slipping away.

In 2020, suddenly having a great deal more time on their hands, they rediscovered their love of crafting, making earrings and trying new crafts like needle felting, and for the first time started selling their work on Instagram @Lil_garden_artist and at local craft markets.

In 2023, at age 22, they picked up a paintbrush and a canvas for the first time in years and reconnected with their old self, and, feeling as though a piece of their soul was returned, fell in love all over again. Today, Anna is very proud to share their work with the public at the Garde Arts Center.



Anna’s works can be viewed at the Garde Arts Center
from July 7 through August 31, 2023

Tuesday to Friday, 10am to 5pm,
and for the two hours preceding performances and film screenings.