Every year, since 1985, individual donors, families, businesses, foundations, government, and volunteers have provided critical dollars and resources to sustain and maintain the programs and historic facilities of the Garde Arts Center, Southeastern Connecticut’s nonprofit home for the performing arts.
You are the key to ensuring that the Garde remains as that special place where not only the arts flourish but all those who visit and participate can come together in a historic, intimate, and beautiful theater in the heart of our vibrant multifaceted Southeastern Connecticut region.
If you enjoy our landmark theater and our wide range of offerings – and believe that they enrich the lives of your neighbors, our children, our region, and generations to come – your support at any level matters now more than ever.
Below, we offer some details on the many opportunities to support your state-of-the-art quality-of-life enhancing Garde Arts Center.
Give Now
Your support of “real time” programs is critical. When coupled with other sources of revenue like ticket sales, it ensures that we continue to be here for the community as a hub for the performing arts and as an important community partner to local schools, nonprofits and to the local economy. Here are some of the most common ways beyond the traditional check or online gift for you to consider and that might make taxwise sense as well.
Give Online
Donate Online Make a Recurring Donation Dedicate a Seat
Give by Mail
You can send a check made out to Garde Arts Center to:
Garde Arts Center
325 State Street
New London, CT 06320
Give by Phone
You can make a gift by contacting Jeanne Sigel at (860) 961-4106 or via email at
Give Appreciated Securities
Have any appreciated stocks?
Donating stocks allows you to avoid capital gains tax and if you itemize deductions, you can also take a charitable deduction for the entire donation amount.
For further information on donating – Download directions HERE.
Please contact Jeanne Sigel at (860) 961-4106 or via email at
Give via IRA Charitable Rollover
(QCD or qualified charitable distribution)
Are you 70.5 or older and have a traditional IRA?
You can make a donation to the Garde by transferring up to $105,000 (per individual annually) from your IRA account or other qualified retirement account. Making a gift from your IRA helps you meet your annual Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) and that gift amount does not then add to your taxable income. It’s easy to do; just contact your IRA plan administrator for the forms to put our gift in motion.
Give through your Donor Advised Fund (DAF)
Donor-Advised Funds (DAFs) are investment accounts for the sole purpose of supporting charitable organizations. If you have a DAF, you can support us by recommending a grant to the Garde via the organization that holds your DAF.
Give Later…Begin your legacy giving with us
With dedicated supporters like you, we can strengthen the quality of life in the greater New London region through the arts for generations to come.
The most common form of a legacy gift is a bequest. As you help us preserve the Garde Arts Center for future generations, we’d like to help you protect your future legacy, your loved ones, and your possessions with an estate plan.
The Garde Arts Center is excited to announce our new partnership with FreeWill: an online estate planning tool.
To help you get started on your plans and legacy, you can use FreeWill, an online tool that guides you through the process of creating a legally valid will or trust. It’s easy to use, accessible online, and can be completed in 20 minutes. You can use this resource on its own, or use it to document your wishes before finalizing your plans with an attorney.
Have you already included a gift in your will or trust? Please fill out this form to let us know! We would love to thank you for your generosity.
Non-probate assets
Do you have an IRA, 401(k), life insurance policy, real estate, income-providing gifts, or any other assets not included in your will? If so, these are called non-probate assets and you must assign your beneficiaries for them separately.
Use this online tool to make your plans and designate us as a full or partial beneficiary of one or more of these assets. You may be surprised about how easy some of these options are!
And, for a confidential conversation about any ideas you have to support the Garde, please contact Jeanne Sigel at 860-961-4106.
Give Online
Donate Online Recurring Donation
Give by Phone or Fax
You can make a gift by calling: (860) 961-4106 or faxing a donation form to: (860) 447-0503
Give by Mail
You can also give by printing this form and mailing to:
Garde Arts Center
Friends of the Garde
325 State Street
New London, CT 06320
SPONSOR $60-99
Advance notice of new events
Recognition in the season Playbill
Sponsor benefits plus:
Advance ticket purchase – 2nd In Line
Invitation to annual Benefactor’s Reception
PRODUCER $250-499
Benefactor benefits plus:
Advance ticket purchase – 1st In Line
Pre-show receptions at selected events
Free ticket exchange privileges
Two discount coupons
STAR $500-999
Producer benefits plus:
Guest pass and concession coupons
Behind the scenes tour of the Garde*
ANGEL $1000-$2499
Star benefits plus:
Access to house seats*
Lobby rental discounts
Special invitation to President’s Dinner
Angel benefits plus:
Use of Garde marquee once per season*
Free use of Moroccan Room once per season*
One meet-the-artist opportunity per season*
Concierge ticket services for select NYC & CT Theaters
*Based on availability – Some restrictions apply.
To redeem your benefits or if you have any questions, please call 860.961.4106 or email
Thank you for your support!
It’s Never Too Early
For nearly a century, Garde Arts Center has been protecting our historic Theatre to inspire our community.
As you’ve helped us preserve the Garde Theatre for future generations, we’d like to help you protect your future legacy, your loved ones, and your possessions with an estate plan.
The Garde Arts Center is excited to announce our new partnership with FreeWill: an online estate planning tool. This self-guided resource streamlines writing your will into a 20-minute process so you can plan for all you love.
Using FreeWill, you can build a charitable legacy for the arts with a planned gift to Garde Arts Center in your estate plan. When you name the Garde Arts Center in your plans, you plant a seed that will grow and support our work from one generation to the next.
Did you know that your will does not control the distribution of certain assets (called non-probate assets)? To ensure that those assets go to the people and organizations you love, you must be sure to properly name your beneficiaries. FreeWill’s Beneficiary Tool helps you name who you’d like to receive these assets — and even empowers you to donate them to Garde Arts Center.
Have you already included a gift in your will or trust? Please fill out this form to let us know! We would love to thank you for your generosity.
Why Planned Giving?
- You want to be remembered
- You want to make a difference
- You want to choose your legacy
Contact Development Director, Jeanne Sigel at (860) 961-4106 or for more information.
The Garde Arts Center is a nonprofit, 501(c)3 charitable organization. Your donation is tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowable by law.
Program and Operations Fund
A Garde-managed fund for unrestricted or designated contributions to various Garde programs and operational needs. Gifts can support summer programs for children, ticket subsidies, underwriting for music, Broadway and opera programs, educational programs, cash reserve funds, and staff development.
Facility Preservation and Equipment
A Garde-managed fund for building and maintenance reserves and designated gifts for annual capital improvements and equipment. These gifts help preserve the historic theater and make necessary repairs and improvements to the building, and upgrade theatrical equipment and fixtures.
Garde Endowment Fund
The Garde Arts Center Endowment Fund was established by the Garde’s Board of Trustees to fulfill its vision for greater stability and sustainability as a permanent endowment fund held at the Community Foundation of Eastern Connecticut (CFECT) designed to generate a reliable and predictable annual revenue stream over the long term. This is yet another strategy in the Garde’s quest to ensure it will continue to provide stimulating, relevant cultural programming for a diverse audience from all age groups and a broad geographic range, in a treasured nationally acclaimed historic theater.
For more information contact:
Lauren Parda
Director of Development
860-442-3572 ext 117
To contribute to the Endowment Fund on-line, click here: Garde Endowment
Memorials and Tributes
Gifts in honor or memory
Dedicate a tax-deductible donation in the memory of a friend, family member, or loved one. Your memorial message will be acknowledged in our annual season Playbill. To make a memorial gift, click here. You can also call (860) 961-4106 or mail your gift to Garde Arts Center, Garde Memorial Fund, 325 State Street New London, CT 06320
Seat Dedications
You can ensure that the Garde continues to play a vital role in our community for generations to come with a tax-deductible contribution of $1,000 for one or more seats in the name of your family, business, or a loved one with a permanent inscribed seat plaque in the beautifully restored historic Garde Theater.
Named Gifts
Major gifts for programs or capital needs can be acknowledged with special signage and printed acknowledgment for areas in the theater facilities or as a named fund or program.
To assist in serving your needs, please contact Development Director Jeanne Sigel at
(860) 961-4106 or
The Garde Arts Center is a nonprofit, 501(c)3 charitable organization. Your donation is tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowable by law.
Why Sponsor?
In general, ticket sales cover only 65% of program costs. Sponsorship is a critical source of support that helps sustain the Garde facilities, staff, and operations.
Your customized sponsorship package can ensure maximum visibility for year-round community outreach to the region’s core consumer market!
Call Jeanne Sigel at (860) 961-4106 or email at for further information.
Sponsorship Options
Event Sponsorship
Garde-presented and hosted events and series are a memorable way to creatively entertain and engage friends and business associates in an exciting entertainment setting.
Community Access Sponsorship
Many sponsors help underwrite ticket subsidy, scholarship, education programs, and volunteer and intern offerings, through the Garde’s community outreach initiative P:ACE (Partners: Arts, Community, Education).
In-kind Sponsorship
Businesses can receive sponsorship benefits by donating essential services for operations, maintenance, and building improvements.
With Thanks to Our Sponsors

Garde Digital and Print Playbill Advertising
Our audience is your audience! As a featured advertiser in the Garde Arts Center Print and Digital Playbill, your company’s message will be delivered to over thirty thousand patrons repeatedly throughout the year. The Playbill is printed and distributed to the patrons at each performance. This season there will be even greater exposure through digital channels to feature your business in a fascinating and dynamic magazine full of interesting news and insights into the Garde and our community. In addition, with our new Digital Playbill, four times a year you will be able to insert and update videos, place active links to your business products and services, and offer special discounts.
Garde patrons notice and appreciate Playbill advertisers and reward them with their patronage and business. In addition, your playbill advertising dollars directly support Garde events and PACE: Partners in Arts, Community, and Education programs which, in turn, support our education/non-profit partners and stimulate the local economy as well.
Reserve your space TODAY to lock in the best position. To place your ad, use the order form below, call Jeanne at (860) 961-4106 or email your interest or questions to
Lobby Display Advertising
Place your ad in the Garde lobbies with iCleanse. Boost your brand with place-based advertising, targeting the right audience at the right time, using UV disinfection units for impactful ads.
For more information please contact:
David Vadala
Director of Client Services Delivery
Volunteer Opportunities
As a community-supported non-profit organization, the Garde welcomes the participation of talented folks who lend their time and skills in support of programs, projects, and staff.
The volunteer categories include:
- Performance Volunteers: (supporting these general event types: Garde Theater, Schooltime Matinees, Oasis Room)
– Lobby Monitors
– Aisle Captains
– Program Distributors
– Seat Ushers - Patron Service Volunteers:
– Concessions (bar backing and merchandise sales)
– Concierge (providing theater and community information to patrons)
– Reception Attendants (help support show-related and community receptions, and private parties and meetings) - Box Office Volunteers: (ticket scanning and assistance during performances, answering phones, and providing general information during regular box office hours)
- Artist Hospitality Volunteers: (set up/presenting dressing room and green room food, providing amenities and special services/transport for artists)
- Facility Volunteers: (assisting with displays, décor and cleaning; theater and building maintenance)
- Special Project Volunteers: (community outreach, social networking and administrative support)
- Performance Volunteers: (supporting these general event types: Garde Theater, Schooltime Matinees, Oasis Room)
New and returning volunteers please fill out the Volunteer Application below.
Click Here for Our Volunteer Application
Already a registered Volunteer: Sign-up now for upcoming events:
If you have any questions please contact us at