Thu, May 26, 2022 | 5 pm
5:00-6:30 p.m.
The Thames Club, a member only social club, invites you to tour our beautiful building and share in beverages and refreshments
6:30-6:55 p.m.
Wander over to the magnificent Garde Arts Center and select your seats
7:00-8:00 p.m.
Four local authors, who have done a great deal for our broader community of Southeastern Connecticut:
Lottie B. Scott, author of DEEP SOUTH, DEEP NORTH A Family’s Journey, has written her autobiography, while paving the way, She was the first black person to serve on the board and the first female to serve as Chair of the Board of Directors of Wm W. Backus Hospital in Norwich.
Mildred E. Devine, author of SUNRISE SUNSET, Millie’s Divine Journey, has written her autobiography, rising through the ranks in banking in her 50+ years, breaking the glass ceilings being a pioneer as the first paying woman of the all-male Thames Club in 1992, and creating the SECT Women’s Network in 1976.
Rod Cornish, author of a children’s book, WE’RE REALLY ALL JUST THE SAME, thanks to his four-year-old son, Roen, asking him: “Daddy, your skin is darker, and mine is lighter.” Without missing a beat, he looked up at his dad and said, “It’s OK. We’re really all just the same.”
Frankie Ann Marcille is the author of the children’s book Yes: The Story of a Dreamer. She is also an educator and disability advocate. At three months old, she was diagnosed with septo-optic dysplasia; a condition that resulted in legal blindness. Frankie Ann has spent her entire life adapting to her visual impairment, learning to never let it hold her back, and advocating for others to do the same.
The panel of authors will be moderated by Kathryn Greene, founder of The Lighthouse Vocational Education in Groton and community leader along with Curtis Goodwin, former City Councilor City of New London, creator of the New London Talent Show and the movie: “THOSE PEOPLE”
8:00-8:30 p.m.
Questions & Answers
Co-sponsored by the Thames Club and the Garde Arts Center